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Stay Strong With Lowkey

My Story

As a mother, I know firsthand the challenges of navigating a fractured and reactive medical system. Like many founders, Lowkey was born out of necessity and is rooted in personal experience. After years of advocating for my child’s health, the medical system only took notice after he attempted to take his life. The road to recovery involved six months of intensive residential therapy, $250,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, and overwhelming anxiety and sadness for the entire family. Before returning home and after being coached not to ask, "Are you ok?" because it made them think they were not, the only guidance I received as to how to help my child was.... he knows how to call on 911.
Lowkey is the solution I wish I had then to keep our loved ones close no matter how far away — a smart alert system that passively identifies deviations in behavioral patterns with warning notification and a trusted care circle 24x7 to bridge care.  By leveraging the most intimate object of our lives, our smartphone, Lowkey helps avoid unnecessary physical and mental health emergencies without the stigma of asking for help.​
Stay strong! Together, we got this!​​
Jennifer Cunningham Co-Founder and CEO of Lowkey

Our Mission

Lowkey's mission is to improve lives and reduce medical emergencies for the 6.8 billion smartphone users by transforming how we approach health care at home. Just like a smart smoke alarm or and home security system safeguards our homes, Lowkey provides intelligent health protection to safeguard our well-being.


Lowkey is committed to:  â€‹


  • Reducing emergency room visits by addressing health concerns before they escalate.  

  • Combating loneliness, depression, and anxiety by fostering in-person connection and support.

  • Decreasing deaths by suicide through early detection and timely intervention.

  • Empowering individuals with the tools to protect their and their family's health.


Together, we can build a future where no one faces a health crisis alone.

Team Lowkey

We are a diverse combination of personal experiences, business expertise, technical proficiency, clinical acumen, and a track record of delivering results. We are committed to empowering users with objective data and actionable resources, enabling them to take charge of their health in a timely and affordable manner.

Co-Founder and CEO Jennifer Cunningham

Co-Founder & CTO Jud Valeski

Clinical Advisor Nathaan Demers, Psy.D

Lowkey is a public benefit company dedicated to improving lives by identifying the earliest signs of mental health decline.


There is no health without mental health.

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