Lowkey for All
Lowkey makes sense of smart data to provide actionable alerts to empower and safeguard ourselves and our loved ones.
The smoke alarm set the standard for life-saving monitoring. Lowkey builds on this legacy as the first-of-its-kind alert system, passively analyzing objective data like location, sleep, activity, and data from smart devices like scales and glucose monitors to proactively alert when wellness is at risk to help you be your best and involve others on your terms—free from stigma and entirely in your control.
Under 18? That means a future chat with your guardian about Lowkey’s settings and alerts. Annoying? Sure, but they’re just making sure you have the tools to stay strong and supported. Plus, they’ll only get an alert if your health take a serious dip. Together, you can build your care circle (best friend? cool aunt?) and decide who gets alerts and when. And since they’re probably paying for your phone, maybe cut them some slack—Lowkey protection beats no phone any day!"

Who Uses Lowkey?

Individuals, from level uppers looking for a competitive mental and physical edge to expectant moms, youth, veterans, and the aging population, Lowkey meets you where you are with custom settings.

Insurance Brokers know their customers are looking for ways to protect the health - physcial and mental - of their employees and their familiies. Lowkey is the low cost preventive health care option employers want.

Veterans & active military know the importance of the buddy system. Lowkey reinforces connection and support to keep the group and individual healthy and at their top performance - mentally and physically.

Behavoiral Health Services care about the sustained wellness of their patients. Lowkey bridges the gap from inpatient and outpatient treatment to help smooth the transition home.

The Sandwich Generation knows the time required to care for aging parents and kids. Lowkey only sends an alert when a behavorial or physcial anomaly is identified to prioritze peace of mind and focus on the present.

Elder care businesses can offer Lowkey as a peace of mind solution to the adult children of their clients to reduce wellness inquires freeing up staff to focus on what the do best.

Lowkey Benefits
Reciprocal Support Networks
Strong social support networks are beneficial bilaterally. Individuals with solid networks are less likely to experience loneliness and fewer depressive symptoms.​​​
Avoidable Health Care Costs
Individuals with strong support networks who recieve early intervention services are 40% less likely to experience major depressive episodes, suicide attempts or be readmitted to the hospital.
Access and Expectations
More than 40% of the consumer base want health services that eliminate barriers to mental health treatment, including alternatives to high-cost and insurance-based treatments, shorter wait times, and feelings of judgment.
Every $1 spent on mental health generates $4 in savings, demonstrating the financial and societal benefits.